
I don’t want anyone to say that I don’t belong where I am’.

                           Daniel Radcliffe

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What is Dyspraxia?


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Key Things to Note

There are a lot of behaviors associated with ADHD and while it may be different for each person there is a common pattern to the symptoms which you can watch out for

  • Trouble focusing or paying attention to tasks
  • Easily getting distracted
  • Forgetting to complete certain tasks
  • Difficulty sitting still
  • Fidgeting
  • Interrupting people while they talk
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What if I think my child might have ADHD?

The best way to help your child or anyone that you suspect might have ADHD is by visiting a mental health professional who will diagnose the disorder using assessments and tests. If the child turns out to have ADHD do not worry, it is a treatable disorder and professionals may use behavioral therapies, medication or both to help your child lead a more productive and fulfilling life.

For more information regarding ADHD visit www.healthline.com

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