Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

“Trauma is perhaps the most avoided, ignored,
belittled, denied, misunderstood, and untreated cause of human suffering”-
Peter Levine


What is PTSD?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that is occurred by a terrifying event in one’s life. The terrifying event experienced by a person or even witnessed by a person may lead to PTSD.

For most people, traumatic events experienced may have temporary effects which may get better with time. They might learn how to cope and take good self-care during such events. But, when these symptoms last for months or even for years, then the person may have PTSD.

Now, we must understand trauma.

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What is Trauma?

  • Trauma is a psychological response to a single or sequence of extremely stressful experiences.
  • Negative events often lead to trauma.

  • It occurs when something that happened in the past leaves you feeling physically or mentally hurt.

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may develop as a result of some traumatic events.

  • After experiencing trauma, learning how to manage stress and anxiety is a crucial step in the healing process.

  • Different people react differently to distressing events. This implies that something that significantly affects one individual may have little impact on another.


What causes trauma?

A few of the causes of trauma are:

  1. Violent assaults
  2. Relationship failures
  3. Sudden loss of a loved one
  4. Bullying
  5. Terrorist attacks
  6. Natural disasters
  7. Childhood maltreatment
  8. Ongoing Stress
  9. War
  10. Deeply embarrassing incidents
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Key symptoms of PTSD -

A person with PTSD may experience the following problems –

  • Difficult to concentrate on tasks.
  • May become needlessly furious, and experience mood swings.
  • Staying away from places, events, or objects that are reminders of the experience.
  • Feeling that you need to keep yourself busy all the time.
  • Using alcohol or drugs.
  • Feelings of helplessness, shame, or fear.
  • Feeling emotionally numb or cut off from your feelings.
  • Feeling numb or detached from your body.
  • Being unable to remember details of the trauma.
  • Reliving the traumatic event.
  • Reoccurring memories or nightmares related to the event.
  • Distressing and intrusive thoughts or images.
  • Physical sensations like sweating, trembling, pain, or feeling sick.
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mental health disorder

How to deal with Trauma?

PTSD can be dealt by-

  • Accepting the correct help will help you heal.
  • Realizing that others may be able to assist you in doing so.
  • Exercise: It’s okay if you don’t enjoy working out! Go for walks or engage in other enjoyable physical activities.
  • Try meditation.
  • Connect with others.
  • Incorporate cheerful activities into your routine, to boost energy levels,
  • Doing things that give happiness. This will boost self-esteem.
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