

An online platform for better parenting

kid jumping

About Rubix

Rubix is a novel program designed by child development experts at LMonk. This program is an accompaniment tool tailored to help children work towards their milestones. Rubix is an activity-based program for parents and caregivers of children aged between 18 months – 6 years. The program is delivered in customized packages specific to the child’s age.

kid jumping

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Why is this important?

Developmental milestones are important. Sometimes, parents may not notice the delay or .  measurable indicators of an individual’s growth if left unattended the warning signs can include delays in physical and mental areas of growth, which can affect emotional, behavioural, cognitive, and social development. This Rubix method is focused on several areas such as speech, motor activities, and other essential areas that are important in the child’s growth. So subscribing to this Rubix method could help your child reach such developmental milestones and it acts as a training regime that will eventually improve your child’s performance.

kid in bycycle
kid playing

Features and Benefits

  • Rubix comes to you in the form of fun activities delivered in weekly modules.
  • These activities are carefully designed by our child development experts to aid in a child’s development covering gross motor skills, fine motor skills, speech, social and emotional aspects.
  • Rubix gives you an opportunity to practice active parenting.
  • It gives you a platform to get involved in little activities that brings joy to your child while working towards your child’s developmental milestones.
  • This program constantly monitors your child’s progress.
  • The program is available to you on a monthly subscription basis.
kid playing

How can LMonk help you with this?

Rubix is offered through monthly subscription model. It contains simple and fun activities that aid child development. Constant supervision from the LMonk experts are available to the clients. Periodic reviews and feedback are ensured by experts to evaluate the child’s comfort throughout program. The experts are always availabe to help interpret the results and notify about the activities to perform on daily basis. LMonk created the modules that are tailored to the needs of each child.

Age Range

18 months to 6 years

Time Taken

Max 2 hrs – We recommend to do the assessment when the client is in free state of mind.

Want to learn more about this program?

Call us straight away. We’ll be glad to hear from you.

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