How much do you know about ADHD?

How much do you know bout ADHD? This article gives a detailed overview of ADHD and its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment options

“The Hidden Truth Behind ADHD: A Journey into the Mind” 

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects an individual’s ability to pay attention, control impulses, and regulate their behavior. ADHD is a condition that begins in childhood, and may continue to adulthood. 

The symptoms of ADHD can be classified into three main categories: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Children with ADHD may have difficulty focusing on tasks, become easily distracted, and may have a tough time completing tasks at school or home settings. They may also be forgetful, lose things frequently, and have trouble organizing their belongings. 

When it comes to hyperactivity, children may be very restlessness, fidgeting, and an inability to sit still for extended period of time. Children with ADHD may be talkative and have difficulty waiting for their turn or playing quietly. 

Impulsivity can manifest as poor patience, interrupting others, blurting out answers, or acting without thinking through the consequences. This can create problems in their social-emotional-bahevioural wellbeing, and overall school performance.

How can ADHD be diagnosed?

The diagnosis of ADHD typically involves a comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare professional, such as a psychologist. The evaluation process involves gathering information from multiple sources, including the individual being evaluated, their family members, and teachers or colleagues.

The diagnostic process usually includes a thorough medical and psychological history, a physical examination, and standardized rating scales or questionnaires to assess symptoms and behaviors related to ADHD. The healthcare provider may also perform other tests or assessments to rule out other medical or psychological conditions that may be causing symptoms like ADHD. 

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is a widely used diagnostic tool for ADHD. According to the DSM-5, a diagnosis of ADHD requires that an individual display a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with daily functioning or development. 

To meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, an individual must display at least six symptoms of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity for at least six months, and these symptoms must be present before the age of 12. The symptoms must also occur in more than one setting, such as at home, school, or work. 

It is important to note that there is no single test that can diagnose ADHD. The diagnosis is based on a comprehensive evaluation of the individual’s symptoms, behaviors, and medical and psychological history. Early detection and interventions can improve a child’s overall performance and quality of life. 

Everything you need to know about ADHD

There are several problems that are commonly associated with ADHD. These problems may be related to the core symptoms of ADHD, such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, or they may be secondary to the condition. :

Problems that are commonly associated with ADHD includes

  1. Learning difficulties: Many children with ADHD may have difficulty with academic performance, such as poor grades or difficulty completing homework. This may be due to difficulties with attention and concentration, as well as poor executive function skills, such as organization and planning. 
  1. Behavioral problems: Due to ADHD, children may have difficulty regulating their behavior, which can lead to problems with impulsivity, aggression, and oppositional behavior. They may also have difficulty with social interactions, such as making and maintaining friendships and interacting with others. 
  1. Emotional problems: Difficulty in regulating their emotions, can lead to mood swings, irritability, and emotional outbursts. They may also be at higher risk for social anxiety and depression. 
  1. Substance abuse: Children with ADHD features are at higher risk for substance abuse and addiction at a later stage in life. This may be due to difficulties with impulsivity and self-regulation, or a tendency to engage in risk-taking behavior. 
  1. Sleep problems: Many children with ADHD may have difficulty with sleep, such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep or disturbed sleep.

ADHD can give rise to other problems in an individual’s life, including academic, social, and occupational functioning. This, in turn, can lead to a range of secondary problems, including the following: 

Secondary problems associated with ADHD

  • Low self-esteem: Children with ADHD may struggle with academic and social activities, which can affect their self-esteem and self-worth. They may feel like they are not good enough, and this can lead to feelings of inadequacy and shame. 
  • Relationship problem: Difficulty with social interactions, may lead to problems with building and maintaining relationships. They may struggle with communication, listening to other’s problems, and following social norms. 
  • Executive function difficulties: Executive function skills, such as organising tasks, planning, and time management, are often affected by ADHD. These skills are critical for academic success and can make it difficult for individuals with ADHD to complete assignments on time and manage their workload. 
  • Conduct Problems: In some severe situations, children with ADHD may cause serious harm to other leading to anti-social behaviours like stealing money, physical harming others, etc. which may lead to serious consequences.
  • Employment problems: As mentioned earlier, ADHD may continue in adulthood. Adults with ADHD may have difficulty with job performance, achieving work related targets, attending long hour meetings due to lack of attention and concentration, impulsive behaviour, poor organizational skills, and time management. 

ADHD may cause learning related problems in children. The inattention and impulsivity associated with ADHD can make it difficult for individuals to focus on tasks, organize and plan their daily activities, and complete tasks on time. As a result, individuals may struggle with academic tasks, such as reading, writing, comprehension and solving math problems.

ADHD can lead to following learning problems

Due to inattention, hyperactivity, restlessness, poor sitting tolerance etc, some children may have learning related problems. Its very difficult for them to be attentive while teachers are teaching in the class. Few learning problems which can occur in children with ADHD are:

  • Reading difficulties: Children with ADHD may struggle with reading, particularly with decoding and fluency. They may also have difficulty with comprehension due to inattention and distractability. 
  • Writing difficulties: Children may struggle with writing, particularly with organization and planning. They may also have difficulty with spelling, punctuation, and grammar. 
  • Math difficulties: Children with ADHD may struggle with math, particularly with understanding and remembering math concepts. They may also have difficulty doing mental math and solving word problems.
  • They may face difficulty with calculations due to inattention and distractibility.

Is ADHD and Autism the same?

Some people may think that ADHD and ASD are same. No, ADHD and ASD are not the same. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are two distinct conditions with different diagnostic criteria. Here are some similarities and differences between ADHD and ASD: 


  • Impaired social communication: Both ADHD and ASD may lead to difficulties with social communication.
  • Individuals with ADHD may struggle with listening and following social norms. Those with ASD may struggle with nonverbal communication and understanding social cues.
  • Behavioral difficulties: Both ADHD and ASD may result in behavioral difficulties, such as impulsivity, hyperactivity, and aggression. 
  • Emotional problems: Poor self-confidence and poor self-esteem may also effect the child’s performance in both ADHD and ASD.


  • Core symptoms: The core symptoms of ADHD include inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. In contrast, the core symptoms of ASD include difficulties with social communication and interaction, as well as restricted and repetitive behaviors and interests.
  • Identification: ADHD symptoms are mostly visible when a child starts pre-school, while ASD symptoms are visible by the time when the child is 2 years of age.
  • Behaviour: Children with ADHD are very playful and enjoys other’s company, but children with ASD might not feel comfortable around others.
  • Movements: In ADHD, children are very hyperactive and restless, whereas in ASD children have set routine and may show repetitive hand movements like flapping, clapping etc.

It is important to note that early identification and detection of both ADHD and ASD can help individuals receive appropriate treatment at the right time. Proper support and training may lead to better academic and social functioning. 

Treatment for ADHD

There is currently no cure for ADHD. However, it can be effectively managed with appropriate treatment and interventions.

Managing ADHD typically includes a combination of remedial therapy, behavioural management including lifestyle changes. Medications, like stimulants and non-stimulants, can reduce ADHD symptoms such as hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention, depending on the severity. Additionally, behavioral therapy can be highly effective, helping individuals with ADHD develop coping strategies for emotions, organizational skills, and problem-solving techniques.

It is important to note that while there is no cure for ADHD, many people with this condition can learn to manage their symptoms effectively and live fulfilling lives. With the right treatment and support, people with ADHD can succeed in personal & professional areas.

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