
Learning and Wellbeing at Workplaces

Trusted partner for organizations

Group of professionals
Working with laptop

Workplace and Employee

Modern workplaces are undergoing massive transformation. The global pandemic has contributed to this in a big way. However, a few of the trends had already begun way before the pandemic started. Some of the megatrends which have been gaining currency since the past few years are, digitalization, advent of gig economy, technology redefining human skills etc. All these aspects place immense burden on the one person – the employee.  

Why is Workplace Wellbeing Important?

Mental health issues cost Indian firms $14 billion a year: Deloitte

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Respondents consider workplace-related stress as the biggest factor affecting their mental health.

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of the Indian workforce reported mental health issues in the past year.

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Respondents said stigma in the society prevented them from taking any mitigating steps.

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Respondents continued to work despite poor mental health.

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Respondents took time-off due to poor mental health.

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Respondents had resigned because of mental health reasons.

Zengage - Workplace Wellbeing Program

Our Flagship Initiative for Workplaces

The relationship between organizations and employees is constantly evolving. Management and the HR persons often struggle to balance the interests of the organization and the employees. Today’s employee is more aware and conscious about his rights and privileges. It becomes important for organizations to be sensitive and responsive to the needs and priorities. For an organization that wants to create a sustainable relationship with the employee, it must strive to align the interests of both.  

Ensuring the wellbeing of the employees is a significant step towards achieving this goal. How do organizations go about wellbeing of employees at workplace? What initiatives to undertake for different kinds and sizes of organizations? How to earn the trust of the employees while implementing such initiatives? Many such questions are integral to this journey. And, it often requires a sensitive and reliable partner to implement such initiatives. LMonk’s proposition to organizations that care about workplace wellbeing, is to be the trusted partner on matters related to wellbeing. 

Workplace wellbeing

Workplace Wellbeing Program

We believe, wellbeing initiatives shouldn’t be an afterthought. For any semblance of an impact, such initiatives require a vision, a strong will and a genuine interest in the human aspect of the organization. However, once an organization undertakes such a journey, the payoffs could be very rewarding in the long term, despite the effort required.   
This is where LMonk plays an impactful role. Our expertise in providing learning and development solutions (more specifically related to game-based learning) and wellbeing solutions (workplace wellbeing) can be leveraged by organizations to the advantage of their key stakeholders, i.e., employees, HR team, managers, and leadership team.  

Our Workplace Wellbeing Program is designed to assist organizations to create and foster an environment of trust and care between the organization and the employee. The program envisioned as an employee benefit program, through which employees can access a set of services or solutions that they can avail, for their upkeep and wellbeing.  We believe that such an initiative needs to be more than transactional, to be successful. We also believe that each organization’s culture, values and priorities are different. and any such initiative should accommodate these characteristics and ambitions of the organization. It also involves a lot of ‘give and take’ between the organization and LMonk, and seamless cooperation between the respective teams. Precisely the reason why we call it a ‘Partner’ program. 

The X-Factor

Our Workplace Well-being Program is the outcome of our intense research and years of multicultural and multidisciplinary experience of our team.
Our team consists of Psychologists, Therapists, Psychiatrists, Technocrats, Management Consultants, Operations Experts and Trainers.

The key features of our program are,

  • Employee at the centre of the program
  • Structured, yet customizable to accommodate each organization’s needs and priorities
  • Solution-focused
  • Hybrid model – Mix of offline and online interactions
climbing up

Already excited about the program?

Call us straight away. We’ll be glad to hear from you.

Other Initiatives for Workplaces

Learning Solutions

Game-based Learning

Game-based learning solutions are revolutionizing the learning and development initiatives of companies and enhancing employee engagement.


Psychometric Assessments

Psychometric assessments for behavioural profile, IQ, personality, quality of life, motivation and critical thinking abilities.

Interested to know more about our programs?

Fill out the form below. We’ll gladly reach out.

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